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Requirements Example Project

Januari 20, 2025


** normally we would summarize the project here, discuss the scope, and introduce the requirement document**
We will use the following 4 levels of requirements:

We will assign to each requirement one of the following priorities:

Business requirements

The example project has the following four main business objectives:

B1 TimeToMarket: Faster time to market

To beat our competitors, we have to decrease the time it takes to adapt to changing market needs

Supporting requirements Relationship to requirements

B2 HighQuality: Maintain high quality

Our customers expect high quality software, we want to avoid regulatory issues caused unexpected bugs/regressions

Supporting requirements Relationship to requirements

Stakeholder requirements

The following stakeholders are involved:

S1 MortgageProduct: Fast ,ortgage products

SummaryOur sales department is well aware of new trends in the market, but untill now we’ve lost the race to competitors since it takes too long to develop a new mortgage product. We want to decrease the time it takes to develop a new mortgage product
StakeholderSales & MorgageExperts
BusinessRQB1 TimeToMarket & B2 HighQuality
Related solution requirements:

S2 AutomatedTesting: Automate mortgage testing

SummaryAs we grow the available mortgages, we want to have more tests for all of our mortgages, to catch regressions and unexpected product definitions
StakeholderDevelopers & MorgageExperts
BusinessRQB2 HighQuality
Related solution requirements:

S3 MigrateExisting: Migrate existing Mortgage products

SummaryTo reduce maintenance we want to migrate our existing mortgage products to the new technique so that we don’t have to maintain that old code
BusinessRQB2 HighQuality
Related solution requirements:

Solution requirements : Functional

SL1 MortgageDSL: DSL for mortgages

SummaryTo be able to quickly generate new morgage implementations, we will need a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that allows us to consisly define what a mortgage is.
StakeholderRQS1 MortgageProduct & S2 AutomatedTesting

SL2 TestDSL: A test DSL for mortgage products

SummaryTo define how we test a mortgage product, we will develop a small DSL that is very suited for describing mortgage specific situations.
StakeholderRQS2 AutomatedTesting & S1 MortgageProduct

SL3 VSCodeIDE: A VS Code extension for the DSL

SummaryOur users should be able to develop their mortgages in a VS Code like environment.
StakeholderRQS1 MortgageProduct & S2 AutomatedTesting

Solution requirements : Non-Functional

SL4 Cobol2DSL: Rewrite old COBOL code to the new DSL

SummaryRewrite existing cobol code to the new DSL. Only partially automated is acceptable, domain experts can help with the hard cases.
StakeholderRQS3 MigrateExisting

Implementation requirements

I1 KeepExistingInfra: Target existing infrastructure

SummaryThe new DSLs should generate code that is compatible with the current infrastructure, such that we can use existing processes to manage our deployements.
StakeholderArchitects & Devops
BusinessRQB2 HighQuality

I2 TestAllTheThings: Test all interfaces

SummaryCreate good test, such that we can test for changes with the new software. Where possible, generate tests based on DSL descriptions.
StakeholderArchitects & Devops
BusinessRQB2 HighQuality

Relationship between requirements

This final graph shows the relationship between requirements, it helps figuring our connections, and will support the creation of a roadmap